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Wingham Wool

Order Your Free
Natural Wools Sample Swatch

We know that looking at images on a screen can never quite compare to getting hold of wools and seeing their qualities for yourself. As a business we spend ages trying to create accurate colour representations, but it's never going to be exactly right. And don't get us started on how to convey a wools texture via a website photo!

So right now we're offering the Wingham Swatch Service: Select any 5 natural wools and we'll send you a sample of each absolutely free. It'll only be a small amount, around an inch or so, but it'll certainly be enough to get a feel for the fibres you're interested in.


Q: Which wools can I include in my swatch?
A: If you can't see a wool on the dropdown menus then unfortunately it's not available at the moment. Right now this service is limited to the dark natural wools.

Q: How much of each wool will I get?
A: Wingham Swatches are intended for colour and texture matching only. As such the amount of wool you receive will be very small, around an inch or so, and they certainly won't be enough to use in a project.

Q: How often can I order a swatch?
A: You can select up to 5 samples to be included with each swatch. Our fair use policy allows for one swatch to be ordered every 2 weeks.

Q: Can you send swatches abroad?
A: At the moment this service is only available to delivery addresses within the United Kingdom

Order Form



  • Please be aware that this free service is offered with a fair use policy: Customers may order one sample swatch every 2 weeks. We reserve the righ to cancel or delay delivery if we consider this limit to be breached.
  • If we are out of stock of a requested wool then we will include the closest match available.
  • Your contact details are required in case we have any issues with delivery. You will not be enrolled on any mailing list and your details will be removed from our system once your swatch has been shipped.